Texcon takes your store to the next level
Texcon gives you the tools you need to become the best and most striking fashion store in your area.

If Texcon were a chain, we would be Norway’s second largest chain. But Texcon is not a chain, we are a purchasing partnership, and that is what sets us apart from the chains. We are local owners, passionate about our craft and never far from the shop floor. Our focus is on creating results. Several of Texcon’s members own and run fashion stores that are among the most profitable in Norway.
Perfect Competition
When you’re a member of Texcon, you take the downsides and risks of standing alone and turn them into strengths. You join a community that will make you more competitive and resilient. At the same time, you get the same advantages as the big chains: the brands you need in order to stay competitive, excellent payment terms, easier administration, higher expertise and lower expenses for the products and services you need to run your business.
Central Billing for Better Finances and Operations
Central billing is at the core of the Texcon collaboration. We receive and pay the invoices for everything you order from suppliers and then send you consolidated invoices. In that way, you save time. Central billing reduces the number of invoices you receive by 80% and gives you a better oversight of your business’s cashflow. You also get great cash discounts on your purchases.
Read more about consolidated invoicing.
The Brands You Need in Order to Compete
Customers are bored of chains. They would much rather go to a store that is different from the others. They prefer a store run by locals who have put together a unique selection. Texcon helps you tailor your selection and take on the competition wherever you are. As a member of Texcon, you also get access to up-to-date, well-prepared trend reports twice a year.
Texcon Offers Advice on Concept Development
Texcon helps you run your business, offering expert guidance on everything from budgeting to how to optimise your purchasing. Texcon can also offer you advice on how to further develop your business. Together we’ll create a plan for the future, we’ll develop your brand strategy and much more. In addition to all this, you also get access to expert advice on HSE, as well as on employment and leasing contracts.
Read more about concept development.
Great Partnership Solutions on Everything You Need
Texcon has considerable purchasing expertise and negotiating power, which ensures advantageous and affordable solutions for Texcon members on everything from accounting to shop fittings and mobile phone subscriptions.
Read more about partnership solutions.
Thrive in the Company of Friends
Texcon is a meeting place, and one of our core strategic areas is fostering a community. Through Texcon you’ll make good friends, who are more than happy to share their knowledge and experience with other members.
Read more about social cohesion.
Become More Sustainable with Texcon
Texcon’s members care about reducing the textile industry’s carbon footprint, even though they don’t manufacture or transport clothes themselves. Texcon’s head office became a certified Eco-Lighthouse in 2022. We will also make it easy for our members to get their stores certified. We are also a member of the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund, an organisation that offers solutions to reduce plastic litter by using revenues from plastic bag sales.
In 2023, Texcon will ensure that members get access to the environmental profiles of specific suppliers and collections.
Read more about sustainability.
Join the Success Story
Texcon is growing, both in terms of revenue, members, and suppliers. Get in touch for a chat and find out whether your store could benefit from joining our community. Call us on +47 22 13 64 70 or email us at Info@texcon.no.
Join the Success Story
Texcon is growing, both in terms of revenue, members, and suppliers.
Get in touch for a chat and find out whether your store could benefit from joining our community.
Call us on +47 22 13 64 70 or email us at Info@texcon.no.